> History <






  History Lombardo di Roberto D'aprea - factory import export - coral and cameos


LOMBARDO: five generations of passion for coral


The long history of our company begins with two families, Lombardo and D’Aprea, known for their workmanship and marketing of corals from Torre Del Greco, and their eventual union. D’Aprea - Our company’s heritage goes back as far as at least 1886 with military records of that year showing that Giuseppe D’Aprea was registered as a coral trader. His legacy is five generations of coral specialists. Giuseppe D’Aprea continued fashioning and selling corals until 1948. It was in this period that he began looking into the machinery for crafting coral and circa the 1920s invented, in the workshop of Via Cupa San Pietro in Torre Del Greco, tools for working mother of pearl which, when adjusted, suited coral craftsmanship perfectly. These were grindstones suitable for the cutting and smoothing of coral and the rounding of rough coral. This technical advancement was realised by Giuseppe’s son, Salvatore, with the help of the well-known mechanic Santagata. Salvatore D’Aprea’s tools, with some modifications, are still to this day used by most coral craftsmen. Lombardo - Francesco Lombardo, founding father of Lombardo, was brought up in Torre Del Greco which was considered the home and gold standard of coral, cameos and precious metal workmanship. In 1930, despite being already well-known, he took advantage of his passion and knowledge and spread the Lombardo name further afield carrying fine jewellery from his town, stowed underarm in cardboard cases crudely tied shut, from one small marketplace to another. Some of these marketplaces have now become international fairs. In 1958 , Giuseppe D’Aprea, and Leonilda Lombardo got married and from this happy union a strong working partnership developed between Giuseppe and Leonilda’s father Francesco. Giuseppe’s youthful energy and enthusiasm immediately brought noticeable changes to Lombardo. After only a few years the company was left to Giuseppe who kept the company name in memory of his father-in-law. Today Lombardo is run by Giuseppe and Leonilda’s son, Roberto D’Aprea, with the help of his sisters, nephews and business partners whose ambition is to keep the tradition and craftsmanship of coral alive. Clearly today we are a far cry from the small marketplaces of yesterday but our passion and customer care remains undiminished. We, at Lombardo, believe that mutual respect and understanding is needed to grant our customer’s wishes. After all jewellery is the object of many dreams and Lombardo is able to interpret and transform these dreams into reality thanks to the skill and uniqueness of its artisans.



Lombardo di Roberto D'aprea
Sede Legale e Amministrativa 80059 Torre del Greco (NA) Italy Via Cupa S. Pietro n. 1 Telephone and Fax +39.081.881.14.26
Filiale e Deposito 47049 Rimini Viserbella (RN) Italy Lungomare P. Palos n, 22 Telephone +39.349.55.95.815 
E.MAIL info@lombardocoralli.it

P.IVA 04513691214